let's get swept away...
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Dear everyone.

I've never been to a tanning salon. I've never smoked a cigarette. I am under 30 years of age. I'm not even a ginger.  Here is a powerful video I wished I had seen 15 years ago and after you watch it I'll tell you why...


Last August, the day before my 27th birthday I casually had a mole on my shoulder removed. I say casually because I thought nothing of it, I only knew that it has been bothering me a little and it was more a precaution. One month later my Doctor called me to come in for my results. Of course, I knew this wasn't going to be good news. And then he said, Malignant Melanoma.

 Over the next few months I waited for phone calls, booked appointments, and waited some more for results. I did myself a favor and stayed away from Google.  I had already heard about how dangerous melanoma can be. Deep down, I knew I was going to be fine, and I was very good about staying positive about it. Finally, late November I had my surgery here in Prince George. 

Now, I have the most amazing scar on my shoulder. Because of the location and due to the aggressiveness of the type of skin cancer, they had to take a fairly large chunk. But how lucky am I. 

Please wear sunscreen. Buy a big hat. Wear a shirt in the summer! Please just be smart. It can happen to anyone. 

With love, 


I sent this picture to my Mum two days after my surgery, just so she could see I was going OK! My family and friends were amazing during this time and I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life! (Special thanks to my nurses, Kate and Andrea!)  

"A scar is a reminder that you are stronger that whatever tried to hurt you."

Ps. Baz Luhrmann, I am sorry I didn't take this song more literally.