let's get swept away...
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Ultimate throw back thursday

Three years ago today the New Zealand All Blacks won the Rugby World Cup. And, I was there! Looking back on it I get goosebumps still. Setting the goal, finishing school, getting accredited, walking into Eden Park for the first time, amazing mentorships, tons of km's in a ricochetty ol car, beautiful vistas, mind blowing rugby, lots of laughs, open arms of old friends, thousands of photos, all these memories rush through my mind all at once when I look at the photos of the final game. And the AB's winning was the ultimate ending to the most amazing adventure. 

Richie McCaw

Here are some other personal highlights of the trip. 

Watching my family hit the pitch.

Watching my family hit the pitch.

Having a hometown hero get among the action.

Having a hometown hero get among the action.

sight seeing!

sight seeing!

The beautiful harbor city of Auckland.

The beautiful harbor city of Auckland.

The day Canada beat Tonga. Jebb Sinclair scoring this try. Amazing!

The day Canada beat Tonga. Jebb Sinclair scoring this try. Amazing!

So proud to be Canadian. Jason Marshall takes the flag for a spin after we won the game against Tonga.

So proud to be Canadian. Jason Marshall takes the flag for a spin after we won the game against Tonga.

Meeting Tana Umaga.

Meeting Tana Umaga.

Sam Warburton's spear tackle made headlines, and my photo made it in print in the UK!

Sam Warburton's spear tackle made headlines, and my photo made it in print in the UK!

Brad Thorn, Fist pump!

Brad Thorn, Fist pump!

At the Adidas party. Very thankful to have made these friends. They coached me every step of the way and I learned so much.

At the Adidas party. Very thankful to have made these friends. They coached me every step of the way and I learned so much.

The team in the above photo published my "fist pump" photo of Brad Thorn in the Official RWC book! 

The team in the above photo published my "fist pump" photo of Brad Thorn in the Official RWC book! 

These kids. Best travelling family anyone could ask for!

These kids. Best travelling family anyone could ask for!

Playing with the big guns at the opening match.

Playing with the big guns at the opening match.