Sneak peeks of Pat and Tamara's Wedding on the Sunshine Coast
Friends and family gathered together on a stormy west coast Friday evening. Normally, a couple would be concerned that the downpour would continue into the next day, I'd have to calm the bride to be... "Weather isn't important. It will clear. Just ignore it, enjoy your day!" However, it didn't seem to phase Pat and T. After all, they had met almost 10 years ago on the wonderful wild wet-coast, the Haida Gwaii.
A few years later that was actually where I met them. It is a magical place where life long bonds are build, dreams are discovered, and extraordinary memories are made. Being able to capture this day meant a lot more to me than I could have imagined. It is pretty spectacular that one little spot on the map connected so many people and made us who we are today. It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and make many new ones. I am so thankful that Pat and Tamara chose me to be there on their special day. Of course, Saturday couldn't have been more glorious. The Sunshine Coast lived up to its end of the bargain. I can't wait to share more images from Pat and Tamara's Pender Harbour Marina wedding.